
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Exercise 8: Raster Processing with Booleans and Loop

The Objectives

The goal of this exercise was to clip scanned raster files and merge them together using Booleans and loops.

The Process

  • Import modules.
  • Create variables, set up the work space and create empty lists.
  • Create a spatial reference object (one tile index's coordinate system was used). 
  • Set up a loop. 
  • Put files of the specified criteria to a raster list. 
  • Set up processing loops for each raster. 
  • Format the raster name. 
  • Project all of the rasters. 
  • Create a polygon of the raster's topographic footprint.
  • Add the name of the raster to a new field. 
  • Create a list of tiles for a merge function. 
  • Merge the tiles.
  • Create "IF" statement to set up a "for, in" loop. 
  • Clip the rasters. 
  • Merge the rasters together. 

The Results

# Name:        Ex8
# Purpose:     Processes rasters with booleans and loops
# Author:      Zach Miller
# Created:     7/28/2016

# ensure the program is working
print "script initialized"

# import system modules
import os
import shutil
import time
import datetime
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
from arcpy.ddd import *

#Allow the script to overwrite existing files
arcpy.env.workspace = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Topos"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference("WGS 1984 UTM Zone 16N")

#create variables
print "Obtaining a List of rasters" ,"%H:%M:%S")

workspace = r"Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Topos"

geodatabasePath = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Ex8.gdb"

#make a feature dataset in your geodatabase using the WGS84 UTM Zone 16N coordinate system
featureDatasetPath = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Ex8.gdb\WisconsinTiles"

#Make a scratch geodatabase for the clipped topos
clipGeodatabasePath = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Ex8.gdb"

rasters = []
tileList = []

mergedFolderLocation = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Ex8.gdb"
mergedName = "KettleMoraine_Merged"

field = "FILENAME"

clipTileIndex = "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.491.801.2167\MILLERZM\Exercise_8\Ex8.gdb\WisconsinTiles\Wisconsin_24kTileIndex"

createIndex = True
clipRasters = True
mosaicRasters = True

mergedTiles = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,mergedName)+ "_TileFootprints"

#Create spatial reference object, using the coordinate system of the tile index

#If the boolean for create index is true, run the following code.

    #The walk function traverses a workspace, and finds files with the specified filetype
    #in this instance, it finds TIF files. It contains the directory path, directory name, and file names within the 'walk' object
    walk = arcpy.da.Walk(workspace, type="TIF")
    #i, j, and k are variables that will be used used to know the progress of the loop
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0

    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk:
        for filename in filenames:
            #The script will iterate through all of the subfolders, and add all valid tifs to the list 'rasters'
            rasters.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
            #For each valid raster, 1 value will be added to i...which will ultimately tell how many valid files there are
            i = i+1

    #The following operations will be performed on all of the rasters in 'rasters'
    for raster in rasters:

        #for the first iteration, j = 0 value 'k' will be # of valid rasters- 0.
        #for subsequent iterations, it will count down until no rasters remain.
        k = i-j
        print str(k) + "rasters remaining"

        #Formatting the name of the topo, in an initial attempt to replace the spaces with underscores
        outName = os.path.basename(raster).rstrip(os.path.splitext(raster)[1])
        print outName
        outName = str(outName)
        outName2 = outName.replace(" ","_")

        print outName2

        #By splitting the string using the index of the 3rd character, we skip the "WI_" in the filename
        #Then we use the string 'index' function to identify the index of the next underscore in the string (it directly follows the end of the filename!)

        #using these two new indicies, we make a new string of only the file's name
        name1 = str(outName[3:endIndex])
        #use the 'replace' string function to completely remove the spaces from the resulting filenames
        name2 = name1.replace(" ","_")

        rasterProj = os.path.join(clipGeodatabasePath,name2) + "_Proj"
        rasterTile = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,name2)+"_Footprint"

        print "Projecting " + name2 ,"%H:%M:%S")

        #Create a polygon of the topo's footprint, including the collar
        print "Calculating raster domain"

        #add field to hold the projected raster's path name in the polygon's attribute table
        print "Adding a field"

        #The following expression will be used to set the new field's value to the projected raster's name, using an update cursor
        expression = str(rasterProj)

        print "Calculating field" ,"%H:%M:%S")
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(rasterTile,field) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                row[0] = expression
                #Update row must be used for the changes to take effect!
        del cursor

        #adding the tile to a list of tiles for a merge function

        j = j+1

        print ""

    #merging the tiles to make a complete tile index
    print "Merging the tiles" ,"%H:%M:%S")

    #creating a cursor to iterate through the rasters, tile-by-tile
    print "Clipping the collars off of the rasters " ,"%H:%M:%S")
    cursorForTopos = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(mergedTiles, field)

    for row in cursorForTopos:

        #take the name from the "FILENAME" field
        inputRaster = str(row[0])

        #obtain only the base filename from the previous string
        inputRasterName = os.path.basename(inputRaster).rstrip(os.path.splitext(inputRaster)[1])



        #Within python, when one wants to put a string within certain quotes, they can specify this by using '%s' as a placeholder, then using a single % before the string they wish to substitute
        #This will allow for the input raster to be recorded as 'inputRaster', within the string.
        value = "'%s'" % inputRaster

        #The next line allows for the creation of a sql query by using string substitution to replace both of the placeholders with the
        #string name field and the newly formatted 'inputRaster' value
        layerCreationSQLExpression = "%s = %s" % (rasterNameField, value)

        #This line uses the newly created sql statement to select only the tile that matches the cursor value, which is incredibly
        #important for future steps.

        #This line selects the feature from the state tile index that has its center in the previously selected polygon

        outputRaster = os.path.join(clipGeodatabasePath,inputRasterName)+"_Clip"

        # This logic exists to identify if the raster has already been generated for a specific tile, and skips the operation if it has already been performed
        if arcpy.Exists(outputRaster):
            print inputRasterName + " has already been clipped"
            # The raster will be clipped by the boundary identified using the select layer by location function.
            print "Clipping " + inputRasterName ,"%H:%M:%S")
            print inputRasterName + " Clipped " ,"%H:%M:%S")

            #This del function is essential, otherwise a schema lock may remain on your geodatabase, preventing you from accessing its contents until ArcMap is restarted.
    del cursorForTopos

        print "Mosaicing Topos" ,"%H:%M:%S")
        print "Mosaicing Complete" ,"%H:%M:%S")

print "Script Complete!" ,"%H:%M:%S")


All sources provided by Dr. Christina Hupy
USGS National Map -

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